Custom printed windsocks for all industries and applications. This category includes everything from heavy duty for commercial application to lightweight for sport and residential use

Non customizable windsocks. This category includes airport orange and orange/white windsocks for commercial application as well as American/International/ State flag windsocks, golf pin and other novelty windsocks

Stock and custom printed windsocks for all applications

Custom printed flags and stock flags for all applications

Heavy-Duty Windsock Sizing

So you need a windsock..but now, what size?

Windsock size is often dictated by your viewing distance and how the windsock will be mounted. Of course, if you already have a frame, your windsock diameter will be set and you only need to choose a length that worlds for you. See our Visibility of Windsocks Guide below for more information

 Visibility of Windsocks from a Distance

Visibility of commercial windsocks from a distance. What a windsock will look like from 100 yards away, 250 yards away and 1/4 mile away


How to Measure your Existing Windsock

 It can get confusing sometimes on how windsocks are measured. The standard is always to measure windsocks diameter and length and present it as: diameter" x length". See the below infographic guide on how to measure a windsock and determine the diameter

How to Measure Windsock Diameters 

How to measure the diameter of an orange windsock infographic. How to calculate diameter of a windsock

Fitting a Windsock onto Your Double or Extended Hoop Frame

If you have a double hoop or extended hoop frame, you should ensure the replacement windsock you purchase will fit over both the outer and inner hoop of the frame. Every frame manufacturer has a different standard and thus some measuring is required to ensure that your replacement windsock will fit onto your frame. Your two options are:

  1. If you do not have an existing windsock: Measure the diameter of the second hoop as well as the distance from the first hoop to the second hoop. See our visual guidebelow on which dimensions we require.
Infogrpahic on how to measure a double hoop or extended windsock frame

2. If you do have an existing windsock that fits your frame: Measure diameter of the inlet mouth, the length of the windsock as well as the diameter of the outlet mouth. See our guideabove on how to measure a windsock.
