Custom printed windsocks for all industries and applications. This category includes everything from heavy duty for commercial application to lightweight for sport and residential use

Non customizable windsocks. This category includes airport orange and orange/white windsocks for commercial application as well as American/International/ State flag windsocks, golf pin and other novelty windsocks

Stock and custom printed windsocks for all applications

Custom printed flags and stock flags for all applications

Thinking Out of the Box when it comes to Socks

  • 2 min read
A year of growth and a year of betterment. Find out the 5 main ways we are making our products better and our user experience more friendly for our customers.
  • 3 min read
Our customers have said that we do a great job informing the public about our products. That being said, we haven't answered some basic questions such as “what is a windsock?” “What does a windsock tell you?” “How can I read a windsock?” and more. Read this article to find out the basics
  • 3 min read
Have you ever found yourself at the beach or out for a spring walk with a light breeze through your hair? It’s a gorgeous feeling. However, one man’s light breeze is another man’s cold and windy day. How do we describe to others just how windy it is?  Francis Beaufort had this thought and decided to find a way to express wind force in a more standardized way. Check out this article on standardize wind force. 
  • 2 min read

Having a windsock on location can really help farmers understand a lot about how their crop is affected by the environmental conditions as well as the conditions on other neighboring properties.

They can get an understanding of:...

  • 2 min read
What is an Airport Windsock? How is it different from a standard windsock? Why do airports have them? Whats with the stripes on an airport wind sock? The answers to all this and more in this short blog post!
  • 2 min read

Windsocks are made differently for single hoop frames than they are for double hoop frames. Its important to make sure you inform the manufacturer of your custom windsock or the supplier of your standard windsock, that you have a double hoop frame.

Click here to find out what information to provide when ordering your windsock with The Custom Windsock Co. 

  • 3 min read
Skydiving has always seemed like a very risky and extreme activity. My mom always said I couldn’t dare do it while she was alive and breathing! In reality, if conditions are good and the weather is on your side, the risks are quite low. It is important to understand how the windspeed and wind direction can affect your dive. Click here to learn about turbulence and how the wind can affect your next dive.  
  • 3 min read
